Liposuction is a surgical procedure by which fat deposits are removed from the body to improve body
contour and proportion. It is not a replacement for diet or exercise and is not a method of “weight
loss,” but it is frequently employed when the usual efforts of diet and exercise are unsuccessful in
producing what a patient considers a pleasing or satisfactory result.
Our liposuction in Nigeria is also often used as a “first step” in conjunction with other procedures that entail fat grafting, in
which a patient’s own fatty tissue is injected into area in which more volume is desired.
Typical areas from which fatty tissue may be removed are:
- The tummy
- The buttocks
- The thighs
- The hips
Types of procedures that might call for liposuction prior to fat grafting are breast augmentations and
mini face lifts, in which fatty tissue can be used to add volume to the cheeks. One of the benefits of
using a patient’s own fat is that, because it is the patient’s own tissue, there is far less chance of there
being an allergic or other adverse reaction, or of it being rejected altogether.